Senin, 16 Juli 2012

GIS Introduction

Basic Information of GIS

Geographic information system (GIS) are hardware and software that can be managing, analyzing interpretating and displaying all forms data of geographically referenced information, with GIS you can describe place, people, and information on the earth, from those data we can change in databases and displays them as maps layers on our computer.

for GIS student user like geology, geography, geodetic, forestry and etc, "precsion" is one of important element that have to noticed by them, thats why GIS provide them that other software can't be.

Benefits of GIS

1. Make our spatial problem looks easy

with GIS you can making better decision about location much easier, you can choose what kind of your home wants with using GIS topography maps, you can choose route evacuation planing if something happen.
For some geological engineering student you can make some maps (Geology, Geomorphology and Engineering Geologi Maps) with greatest spatial precision that you have ever had.

2. Cost Saving and increased efficiency

For some non industry cost like the most evil that can must make them go down. GIS can save your money as well in field, you don't need to checking every single location in your maps, it means you can save your fuel and living cost along in the field. with GIS you can get basic maps easily, without digitization before and make you save a few days more. If you work with a huge database GIS will help you to manage your data with Geodatabase feature

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